5 Most Expensive Homes to Insure in the World

According to Forbes, there are 1,226 billionaires in the world with a combined net worth of $4.6 trillion. Given the kind of money swirling around the world’s richest circles, it isn’t unexpected to find the wealthy splurging immense amounts on private residences. Then of course, there are the ancient houses of royalty that sprawl over […]

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5 Tips for Flexible Spending Accounts

Employers often offer a host of options for employee benefits including the FSA or Flexible Spending Account. Deciding which benefits to take advantage of and which to leave behind can be an overwhelming task. Health insurance is a common benefit with lots to consider; often rolled into the conversation is something called an FSA. What […]

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Is Travel Insurance Worth Buying?

You work hard to save for your vacations, so it’s not an unrealistic question whether or not to insure your investment, right?  Keep in mind, there are a few different types of travel insurance you can purchase and I will share my thoughts on them. Trip Cancellation Insurance If you have spent lots of money […]

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