A while back I was listening to Dave Ramsey on the radio. And while I disagree with some of Dave’s belief on life insurance and investments, he is the go-to guy when it comes to budgeting. He had a couple call in saying that they paid off about $150,000 in debts in 2 years including […]
Archive | Budgeting
7 Tips for Saving Money on Car Insurance
Car insurance is one of those things in life that we just accept that we have to pay for. In most cases car insurance is not optional; which is why you should make sure you are getting the best deal possible. Here are a few tips to help you in your quest: 1. Shop Around. […]
Your Emergency Fund; Why You Need One and How to Start One
How much money should you have in an emergency fund? Are emergency funds really necessary? How can I stash money away, when I can’t even pay the bills on time? These are all questions that haunt the many of us on a regular basis. Myriad articles talk about having money set aside for a rainy […]
Budgeting 101 – How to Make Your Budget Work
Are you struggling to make ends meet? Let me share with you how simple fixing your monthly budget can be. First, let me start by sharing the simple math of budgeting. In short, you need to earn more than you spend. Let me break it down: If Your Monthly Expenses > Your Monthly Income = […]
How to Maximize Your Personal Budget in the New Year
With the New Year just around the corner, it is the time of year that everyone is making resolutions. Personal finance is one of the most popular areas of focus for those looking to improve themselves in the coming year. Specifically, keeping the household budget in balance and hopefully having some left over to put […]
Planning your Budget for Buying a New Home
If you are planning to buy a new home, one of the first steps is to get pre-qualified with a local lender. However, how much can you really afford? The answer may not necessarily be what the lender is willing to approve you for. Though the level of approval is a good guideline, you will […]
Completing Your Education: The Benefits of the Lifetime Learning Credit
Many people are unaware of the provisions in the U.S. tax code for those that seek higher education. Because the government wants to encourage a more educated population (even for those that have been out of school for a while), there are certain credits available to offset your tax burden. One of the best known […]
7 Critical Things To Do Once You’ve Paid Off Your Car
Many people approach the day they pay off their car as a significant financial milestone. Sadly, some see this as the time to simply get another car and keep the banks in business. I want to challenge anyone who has a car payment to consider the financial impact of living without a car payment. Start […]