You probably don’t spend much time thinking about bank fees, but they can add up to a significant cost over months and years. This is particularly true if you don’t know your bank’s policies and therefore don’t adjust your behavior to minimize charges. This article will cover some of the most important fees to be […]
Archive | Banking
How to Find a High Interest Savings Account
A few years back, I had a revelation. I realized I was letting my bank use my money for nearly free. Like many people, I was banking with one of the major banks and foolishly had money in a savings account at a pitiful rate. I believe the rate was 0.10%, which happens to be […]
3 Ways to Get a Loan Without a Bank
In the ideal scenario, we would all have fully funded emergency funds with 6 months worth of living expenses. We would also be able to save to pay cash for our cars and homes. The glaring problem with this is that we don’t live in an ideal world, and some of us did not start […]
Foreign Bank Account Reporting: When is an FBAR Filing Required?
Americans with bank accounts in foreign countries are often required to file a Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR) with the IRS. In recent years, the U.S. government has been cracking down on violators of this requirement, with an increasing number of foreign countries agreeing to share information with U.S. authorities. In 2013 […]
How You Might Be Paying Your Bank 20% or MORE to Use CASH
Yesterday, I had a revelation. I found myself at a restaurant that only took cash for my transaction. Believe it or not they still exist, but that’s not the point. I went down the road to get $20.00 out of an ATM and because I was in a hurry and did not plan, I ended […]
5 Online Banking Safety Tips
If you prefer not to visit your local bank to make a deposit or handle some other transaction, online banking allows you to conduct most of your business from your personal computer. However, any time that you use an online site, including your bank, there are certain safety tips for you to keep in mind […]