Archive | 2014

How Owning a Home Can Lower Your Tax Burden

All things being equal, owning a house is generally preferable to renting. If your monthly mortgage payment is about the same as the rent payment for a similar property, then you are building up equity with each mortgage payment you make. In addition, if the housing market in your area appreciates over time (which it […]

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Creating a Home Inventory for your Homeowner Insurance

If the day ever comes when you need to file a homeowner’s insurance claim, you will be thankful that you created a home inventory. If you have personal property inside your house that is damaged or stolen, your claim will go much smoother if you have proper documentation. These days, there are more ways than […]

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Is Alternate Home Financing Right for You?

With the sharp increase in the number of bankruptcies and foreclosures, a growing number of consumers with poor credit are choosing alternate methods to finance a new home. The most popular way of going around the traditional lender is with a contract for deed. Contract for deed arrangements have been around for a long time. […]

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