Archive | 2015

Ways to Save on Your Auto and Homeowners Insurance

Tis the season for New Year’s resolutions and one of the most popular is to get a handle on personal finances. The challenge is that Americans are increasingly being squeezed with higher living costs and stagnant or lower wages. To make up for the shortfall, we must be look for ways to save in other […]

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Important Tax Consequences During Divorce

Divorce is not a topic most of us like to discuss. The unfortunate reality, however, is the divorce rate in our society has hovered around 50% for the past several decades. When marriages dissolve, there are a lot of issues that must be addressed. Among the most critical is the affect the divorce has on […]

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Buying Life Insurance is a Wise Financial Decision

For more than a decade, the insurance industry has designated September as Life Insurance Awareness Month. Many may wonder why they block off a whole month to focus on one particular type of insurance. After all, there are no months dedicated to auto insurance, homeowner insurance, or health insurance, so why life insurance? The primary […]

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The Profit Mandate; How to Become a Profitable Steward

This is a guest blog post from our friend Trudy Beerman, author, radio host, and CEO of Profitable Stewardship, Inc. Christians in business or management this is for you. The parable of the Talents in Matthew 25:24-27, or the equivalent version on the Minas in Luke 19: 12-27, talks about managers who received money to run […]

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How to Get Your Free Credit Score

If you have ever applied for credit, the question will often come up about your credit or your credit score. Many people are not aware of how to get their credit score, so I am going to share a few ways. About Your Credit Score First, while you are able to get a free copy […]

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7 of the Most Overlooked Tax Deductions

Throughout the complexities of the Internal Revenue Code, there are deductions available for many individuals. Most people are aware of the common deductions; such as home mortgage interest, property taxes, charitable donations, etc. There are other deductions, however, that could be applicable to many taxpayers but few people are aware even exist. Here 7 deductions […]

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