If You Saved $5 Per Week, Would You Miss It?

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I was on Financial Highway’s Facebook Page and saw that they were encouraging people to save $5 per week. I am a big fan of savings, so I wondered if I would miss $5 per week. The answer is an obvious “no.”

The reality is, as much as I would like to be uber frugal, I’m not. I am not saying I waste money because I do my best to be frugal, but I do treat myself often. I guess it’s my way of thanking me for working so hard 🙂

What about you? How much money would you not miss in a week? Or better yet, how much could you save each week by cutting back on areas that you are wasting money in? If you happen to have a habit such as smoking, drinking alcohol, or supporting Starbucks, you could likely save a fortune with a lifestyle change.

For the record, if you saved just $5 per week, you would amass over $7,000 over the next 20 years if you just earned 3% on your money. If you are planning on taking a retirement vacation, you could start to pay for it now; at the rate of $5 per week.


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