GetUpside App Review – The Gas Cash Back App

A few months ago I was listening to the radio and I heard about an app called GetUpside where you could earn cash back for your GetUpside Reviewgas purchases. I actually forgot about it and was later listening to the same station and remembered that I never looked into the app.

Thankfully, I downloaded the app and got started. On my first tank of gas, I got a 47 cent per gallon savings! I got a sign-up bonus of 15 cents per gallon (which I show you how to get below), a 12 cents per gallon reward from the app, and an additional 20 cents per gallon savings from my grocery gas rewards.

Over the last few weeks I have earned just over $25 in cash back and the great thing is that I don’t have to do anything except for uploading my gas receipts to get this money. I want to share some of my experiences below and how you can leverage this app as well.

Earning Cash Back for Your Gas Purchases

The process of earning cash back for your gas purchases is pretty simple. All you do is turn the app on and it will show you the gas stations around you that are connected to the GetUpside app. It also shows you how much they are willing to give you in cash back rewards. The amount will vary from station to station and also it will vary at different times of the GetUpside Cash Back Appday. I have seen the rewards from as low as 2 cents per gallon and as high as 15 cents per gallon and the company explains that the prices vary due to the fluctuations in gas prices. My speculation is that it also varies based on how busy a station is or how much business they want to push at a certain time. Once you find a station, simply claim the reward by clicking the “claim” button and then you will take a photo of the gas receipt using the app.


Maximizing Your Rewards

Here is what I really like. The stations that are in my area are also the ones that will allow me to use my shopping rewards in addition to the GetUpside cash back. Additionally, you are able to use rewards credit cards, further maximizing your reduction in gas costs. Lastly, the app also allows you to earn referral rewards of 15 cents per gallon.


Earning Referral Rewards with GetUpside

Another way to maximize your cash back gas rewards is to share the app with others because you will earn a 15 cent per gallon bonus (on your next fill up) for every person that you refer. On top of that, they will pay you a 1 cent per gallon bonus for any of their future purchases. If you are not one inclined to share such offers, then don’t worry about all of the extras; I am sure you will be happy with the cash back rewards.

If you are interested in referring the app to people to maximize your earnings, you might consider sharing it with people who drive a lot such as Uber/Lyft drivers or contractors.


Additional Cash Back Options

The app also shows cash back options for restaurants and groceries, however, I have not used those yet. It seems that this part of the app is still growing, but for now, I recommend getting signed up to start saving money on gas.


Here is Your 15 Cent/Gallon BONUS Sign Up Offer

If you want to get started, I can help you earn an extra 15 cents per gallon on your first tank of gas just by using this link and code (STGRN) to download the app. 

Happy savings and I look forward to hearing how the app works for you. Feel free to share in the comments below.

1 thought on “GetUpside App Review – The Gas Cash Back App”

  1. Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/u695681943/domains/ on line 590

    GetUpside is a great app. I’ve saved over $95 on gas in the last few months.

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