Author Archive | Anthony Kirlew

Buy Term & Invest the Difference?

Perhaps you’ve heard this old saying as it relates to life insurance.  The idea behind it was that someone could buy term life insurance for much lower monthly payments that permanent life insurance and invest the difference the payments elsewhere.  In reality this doesn’t work for two reasons. First, buying term life insurance is simply […]

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Five Ways for Pet Owners to Save Money

It’s been reported that Americans spent in excess of $50 billion on their pets in 2011.  The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) estimates it costs about $1,600 annually to care for a dog and a little over $1,000 to care for a cat. Responsible pet ownership comes with a price […]

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How to Finance a Car and WIN!

If I asked you how you were going to finance your next car, chances are, I would get one of three responses: •    Bank / Lender / Dealer Financing •    Pay Cash •    Lease (then get another or buy it out) If I asked which the best method is, most people would say “paying cash” […]

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