How Being Out of Shape Costs You Money

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People don’t need a reminder that they are overweight. I know, I’ve carried a few more pounds than I am happy with. No one needs to tell me that I need to drop a few pounds. However I really had not considered the financial impact of carrying more weight over a long period of time. I am sure you’ve heard the saying, “when you know better you do better.” Well now I know better and I am on a journey to improved health.

Perhaps you have considered the financial impact of being overweight and perhaps you haven’t. Here are some financial factors you might want to consider with regard to not being in the best of health.

  1. You Might Pay More for Life Insurance. If you are lucky you can get life insurance and just pay a surcharge for being out of the normal range. If you are not so lucky, you might be turned down altogether for life insurance. Imagine paying more money for your life insurance for 20 to 30 years, or even worse leaving family members behind without any financial security.
  2. You May End Up On Costly Meds. Obesity accounts for a multitude of illnesses and many of these illnesses leaving people dependents on prescription drugs. Even with insurance, some prescriptions are costly, and many aren’t even full covered by insurance. For example, I have a family member who takes one med that costs nearly $90 per month. The funny part is that it’s cheaper to buy the med without insurance (which makes no sense… but that is a different post altogether) 🙂
  3. You May End Up on Disability. I am not trying to paint a grim picture (perhaps a wake up call) but the reality is that those who are overweight put extra strain on their joints and other organ systems, and this will lead to a breakdown (literally in some cases) over time. As with most of my post, this is a first hand account that I have seen (thankfully not personally), but it is sad to see people suffer with self inflicted medical issues.Some people have disability insurance (which never pays you what you would make while working) and others end up broke or bankrupt after losing the ability to work. The sad news is that in many cases this doesn’t have to happen.


I think you get the picture. The question is, if this is you, what are you going to do about it? My advice is to start small, but get a plan. I have a few resources I’d like to share with you, both from my friend Bill Ross, founder of Major League Conditioning Centers in Phoenix. Bill knows a thing or two about health. He has trained people for the past 3 decades, including some pretty high profile athletes including Bo Jackson and George Brett.

First is Bill’s book, The Fitness Puzzle. This is an easy read and will open your eyes about health and fitness. And best of all, Bill will share with you how to can keep fun food such as his favorite – the cheeseburger – in your diet while remaining healthy.

Second is an article that Bill wrote called  6 Tips to Help You Reach Your Fitness Goals. It’s an easy read as well, and is just good practical advice for anyone starting (or restarting) their health journey.

Last is Bill’s Radio show called Life Outside the Box. I encourage you to check it out. You can listen to him live on Saturdays or just check out his website and listen to a number of his past shows. He has had some amazing guests and in one episode shares some stories of his time with the Kansas City Royals.

If you are struggling with your weight or your health, I truly hope to take me up on those resources. I have a passion to see people well in every aspect of the word (physically, spiritually, emotionally, and financially.). It’s one of the reasons I blog. And for me, yes I am back on track myself. Thanks to Bill and many others who have enlightened me, encouraged me, and keep me motivated to get and stay healthy.

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